We conducted a research and realized that, a lot of people including students, teachers, civil servants etc are eager to tap into this business but are limited by coding knowlegde/skills, resources etc. Hence, we provided this solution.
You get a VTU Business Portal in just 5 - 20 minutes ready to start running immediately
VTU BUSINESS PORTAL (VBP) is Exactly What You Need
We bring API flexibility which is Key You dont have to stick to one API provider
This version are installed on your server/hosting
Note: We recommend namecheap.com for hosting
Allows you to have different level of users that purchase at different prices
With Paystack, can be any other payment processor as you like
Users can fund wallet via bank transfer instantly their wallet will be funded
Aggregated API configs from site used by most of our clients. It includes Airtime, Data, Cable, Electricity, BulkSMS
Where you create investment plans, durations and user can load there wallet to invest and they can also withdraw from there interest wallet
User can purchase services like airtime and data via whatsapp
Admin can upload encrypted text format and user can print e-pins
Admin can add api to get universal pin from airtimecardng.com and user can print e-pins
Admin can send bulk and single emails to users
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VBP Application was built to make it easy for whoever wants to go into BULKSMS, VTU BUSINESS (AIRTIME AND DATA TOP-UP), BILL PAYMENTS,CABLE SUBSCRITPTION etc. to be able to connect to multiple APIs. So you won’t be stocked using just one provider. The advantage is that you don’t get downtimes because of a provider’s problem just switch to the other. This is an automatic money making machine for you.
We realised how many lifes we can impact by creating such platform that allow even students to have side hustle with less distraction and hassle.
The software was is been sold for #100,000 one-off but we decided to make it accessible to every one. We have eliminated the need to learn coding skill
or the need to pay for hosting service as this solution has done all... the only thing you need is choose a plan and start earning.
You also choose a API to integrate, as VBP is built to support a number of APIs so you a not stucked to a single provider/vendor.
Most vendor out there offer to create a one-off solution for you but they wont tell you This
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